Senin, 10 Maret 2014

Milliamp verses voltage?

how much milliamps does it take to get a volt?

milliamp is a measure of CURRENT (1000 milliamps = 1 Amp) 

volts are a measure of VOLTAGE 

They are measures of different dimensions. 
Your question is kind of like "How many feet does it take to make a pound?" 

If they are in a circuit together that has a resistor, then they are related by the equation: 

Voltage = Current * Resistance 

The SI units for this equation are Volts (for voltage), Amps (for current), and Ohms (for resistance).

That depends on how much resistance the current is passing through. 

If you look at Ohm's Law: 

I = V/R 
(amps = voltage/resistance) 

you see that current (amps) is related to voltage (volts), but this relation depends on the resistance (ohms). 

You also have to make sure to use the correct units, convert milliamps to amps to use this equation. 

1000 milliamps = 1 amp

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